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Tips on Throwing and Staying Safe Through COVID-19

Overall, our platform, Ultimately Together, is meant to be a positive and enthusiastic voice for staying in shape, staying ultimate-sharp, and for planning for our next steps when we can get back together and back on the field.  The best way to do all of that is, of course, to stay safe which means minimizing risks wherever possible.  We cannot advocate going out to throw if it means increased chances of being close to people who are not in your household, or increased chances of touching a disc or anything else that could be contaminated.  Still, we hope that this information will be useful even as vaccines and treatments are developed, as the infection subsides, and as we move into the grayer areas of staying healthy while staying safe. For information on updated recreational regulations in your state, check out this page!

Keep it to your household members if you can

Although no amount of equipment cleaning, handwashing or social distancing is a guarantee against contracting COVID-19, the following information is put together based on advice from medical sites and public health sites.  In the end, throwing only with people who are already in your household during quarantine, social-distancing periods, or “circuit breaker” as my friends in Singapore refer to lock-down, is the best way to avoiding increasing risk of contracting COVID-19.  If you simply can’t avoid throwing with someone else, here are some healthy tips about distancing and washing your hands from Professor Ashish Jha, Director of the Global Health Institute, of Harvard School of Public Health and other authorities and an interview on National Public Radio with Dr. Ashish Jha 

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